Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Not sure how to title this entry, will have to think about it as I am posting this.

The 1st was Sandy (daughter) and Brian's 10th anniversary so we went out to eat with them. They wanted to go to Granite City, so off we went. I can't say we were over impressed with the food and it was high priced. Don't think we will plan on returning there very often. Sandy saved leftovers in a take out container to take home for Brian's lunch the next day.........and wouldn't you know, we walked out and forgot it. Poor Brain had to buy his lunch the next day. Anyway, Happy 10th Anniversary Sandy and Brian.

We hadn't had a visit with two of our grandkids yet, Aj and Mariah (Matt's two children), so on the 3rd we invited them to our campground to have a cookout. Joining us were Sandy, Brian with daughter Emily as well as Roger's daughter Jenny and her 2 daughters, Maggie and Heidi. We sure had a good time, had some yard games going and Emily brought a new card game along so some of them played that. We were very lucky as the rain stayed away that day and didn't make an appearance till the 4th............wouldn't you know it.

From Morgan Creek Camping

The 4th found Roger and I spending the day alone in the RV. Nothing exciting mind you, a little tv and then watched the fireworks in NYC on the blube tube.

Monday I took off and went to do some laundry, we were headed to West Overlook so wanted to get it done before we left. By afternoon, we were once again just passing time...............retired folks do a lot of that. About 3:30 I received a phone call and low and behold it was Dale and Terry Pace. They winter in Mission and we met them with some other people at an eat out with the RV.net group. That was 3 years ago and we have been friends since. I had just been reading Dale's blog earlier in the day and she stated they were headed to SD from Indiana, so I told her I would wave to her as they passed thru Iowa. It happened that they were spending the night at West Overlook, outside Iowa City. We were going to be headed down there the next day to do some camping with family. We decided to drive down and have a quick visit with them. After picking them up at campground we drove into Iowa City and took them to Jimmy Jack's Rib Shack. They seemed to enjoy the meal and we sure had a great time visiting with them. Upon returning them to there RV, we found son Matt and wife Heather setting up their pop up, so stopped and chatted with them.

While heading to West Overlook last night to pick up Dale and Terry, I was stopped in North Liberty by the town cop. At first I thought maybe he thought I was speeding, I might of been just a tab over, but no, he said my windows were tinted to dark. He got out his little meter and checked, it showed 70% and he said state of Iowa only lets you have 30%. He said I would have to have my front windows scraped, gave me a warning. I asked how much a ticket was if he were to give me one, $90. Not sure I want a ticket, but sure don't want to scrape the tinting off my windows either. We need that extra protection in the south. Have to give it some thought. I was thinking maybe I could just roll down the front windows every time I see a cop, or at least when I go thru North Liberty. He did say as long as we have Iowa plates it would be that way, if we had TX plates it wouldn't be a problem, he wouldn't stop us then. Oh well, you can't win them all.

We will be camping with family for this week and then back to Cedar Rapids and Morgan Creek campground. On the 17th we are picking up a 16 foot truck and taking it to Stanwood and loading our things in storage. We will leave the truck there and back to campground for one last night. Leaving on the 18th for Mission. My daughter Sandy and our daughter-in-law Heather are going to help us drive the truck and RV to Texas. Sandy said no way will she drive the RV but Heather has no problem with it as she drives school bus. Roger and I could of done it by ourselves, but neither one of us really like driving long distances and besides it will be more fun with the girls along. We have been teasing Roger about traveling with 3 women, he said he would just get in truck, lock the doors and be by himself.

Till next time, happy trails.