Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back in Mission

We left Iowa at the end of August to return to Texas. Everyone kept telling us how hot it was, but we wanted to get back home. Seems like we had come to the point that we were tired of our cramped RV and we heard our recliners calling our names. But wait.........I am getting ahead of myself.

As many of you know, Roger and I had our 25th wedding anniversary in August and after returning from the RV rally in Madison, we decided to get the family and some friends together and have a pot luck to help us celebrate. That is just what we did, our anniversary was the 16th but we had the potluck on the 21st. It was a nice way to share it with everyone and also a little of a last chance to say good-by to everyone before we left for Texas. We only wish my other two daughters could of joined us. Do to the short notice and the cost of traveling that far, we understand. Kim and Janis, we missed you, but knew you would of been there if you could of.

From Anniversary
We arrived home on Friday the 26th and on Saturday evening our air conditioner went out at our mobile home. Wouldn't you know it was 10 at night and no one to call that late and a weekend to boot. The friends and family were right..............it is very hot in South Texas in August. We ended up running the window A/C in the Texas room (sun porch) and leaving the door open with fans blowing it into the house. Made it through till Monday then got a hold of the repair man and he came out that afternoon. The part was a whole $19 and service call was $60. Thank goodness it was more then that.

We had planned for sometime to replace the old gold bath tub/shower in our main bathroom. After taking a trip to Lowe's and a mobile home place, we decided we didn't like any of the shower liners. The opening was 56 inches and the ones we had to pick from were either 6 inches too long or 6 inches to short. After visiting the mobile home place, they did have a shower base that would of worked, however there was still that step up into it and the floor of the shower was smaller then the tub floor we were using. We then decided to spend a little bit more and go with a tiled shower. Our friends, Larry and Mary knew a guy so they sent him over and after getting an estimate, we were ready to go for it. Made a trip to the tile store and picked out the tile, brought it home and waited for Loopy (that's his name) to start. Here is the finished shower...........we love it.

From Blanket, bird and bath
We also painted the bathroom and got rid of the yellow flower wallpaper. Be sure to check out the rest of my photos by clicking on the pictures.

I received an email about a good friend of mine. He is in the hospital in Mason City. I sure wish I could be there to visit him and be of some help to his wife, Erma. Doug if you happen to read this, please know I am thinking of you every day and our prayers are with both you and Erma. Please get well soon and get a lot of REST.

It won't be long before the parks around here start filling up again with all the snow birds. We have been to two pot lucks and to Peter Piper Pizza with the park people here in Valley View. It is good to see our friends again.

We do have one other project we are going to under take. Roger and I spent this afternoon, clearing out the Texas room. Roger and Dick are going to take off all the paneling and ceiling and insulated it and sheet rock it. I will be taking pictures of that as well. It seems now that we don't have Keota any longer and family is so far away about the only thing we have left to take pictures of is flowers, birds, projects.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Catching up..............

I guess I have some catching up to do, haven't posted since May.

After leaving Nashville, we headed north and spent a week visiting with some friends we met in Florida in 2005 -2007. They live in Aurora, IN and we did a lot of eating out while there. We then pushed north again, staying in Indiana and met up with Dick & Darlene, then Larry and Brenda to attend a FMCA rally. Had a great time, I went to two different seminars on Satellite TV and after the second one, we decided to do away with all the stress we have in setting up our DirectTV satellite. We had a roof dish installed that will hunt for satellite after pushing just one button. Boy is it nice, we have been using it ever since and I must say............it was money well spent. Where we are right now, among the trees, I really thought we wouldn't get a signal, but we have one. :) I guess the best buy at the rally was the great patio mat I got for $40. Yes, you are reading it right. I saw it at the new RV display and asked if they sold them? They said no, but they had them at their dealership. I then asked if they would sell that one, it was just the color I wanted. The guy looked at his boss asked and boss asked him what they sold for at the shop. He said $140 ..............boss then said to me.....how about $40. SOLD. Love it, it is 20 foot long and just fits under our awning. It rained on our last day there, I didn't sleep well all night worrying if we were going to get out of our spot. Here is a photo of our motor home, surrounded by ankle deep water.

From 05 - May

We made it to Cedar Rapids just in time for me to attended the retirement party were I use to work, for all those retiring this year. It was good to see some of my old friends again. Can't say I miss the work, but I do miss seeing my friends, they were like a second family.

Granddaughter, Emily's gradation was next. It is just so hard to believe that these grand kids are all growing up and it just makes one feel so much older. She had a nice party at the park, it was cold and rainy but we all had a good time.

From Emily Graduation

June brought some more activities, met with the "Iowa people" from our park in Mission. (Valley View Estates). We met at the Riverside Casino and had a great meal and conversation. Won't be long and we will all be down there again doing our potlucks. A couple days later was my birthday and we were camping at West Overlook by Iowa City. Family and friends came to campground to say hi. My three daughters and my great hubby went together and paid for me to take a hot air balloon ride. Roger was going to go with me. We decided to wait awhile till the weather got better before doing it. I would have to call for reservations. Fathers day we were still at West Overlook, so made arrangements for the family to meet us in Coralville and go to a Chinese restaurant for diner. Had a good time there.

From 06 - June

Later in the month of June, we decided to head North to Mason City/Clear Lake area. Our good friends Tom and Sharon, offered their yard for us to park our motor home in. What a great place to stay, so quite there and watching the birds right outside our window was really nice. Tom and Sharon were great host, had us over to eat at there place and we went out many times. Sure wish we could of stayed longer, but one does not want to wear out there welcome. We sure are going to miss them and Max (there little Maltese that looks just like our Keota)

From Galena

Over the 4th of July weekend we were very busy, as I am sure everyone is. We had a family picnic in Hampton on the 3rd. It was for Roger's mother side of family and there was a cousin from Denmark visiting so got to meet them. Had a great turn out and with me into working on family tree, I also learned a little more about the family.

From Nielsen reunion

On the 4th we headed out with our car for Davenport, about a 4 hour drive to attend a surprise birthday diner for Roger's cousin Peggy. It sure was good to see all the Trafford's and get to visit with them. We were given some old pictures of the Shook - Harding families and Peggy helped by naming some of the people in the pictures. Of course Peggy had many stories to add to some of the pictures. Only wish I had taken a tape recorded with me. I made up Peggy a book with all the Shook - Harding family tree information I had at that point. Sure hope she and family enjoy reading all the family history.

From Peggy Birthday

We spent the night of the 4th in Cedar Rapids at daughter Sandra's house. On our way home, I asked Roger if he wanted to stop in Charles City and check out a cemetery where his 3rd great grandfather was laid to rest. I had found a picture of the grave marker on Ancestry and sent a message asking where it was. Got an email back with directions. We found it and that got Roger excited about looking for others. While in Mason City and Clear Lake we went to three different cemeteries and found many graves. I took pictures of 61 grave markers, I wasn't sure if some of them were related, but took the pictures anyway. I shot anything with Shook, Harding, Nielsen, or Theilen on it. After getting back to RV and going through my Family Tree Maker program, I found many of them were related, I think there were only a couple that weren't and who knows, I may find them after more research.

On the 12th of July, we left Tom and Sharon's and headed for Galena, IL for our balloon ride on the 13th. The morning of the13th, that was yesterday, we headed out to find where we were suppose to be that night, then back into town. Decided to take the trolley ride around town and learn a little more about it. It was an hour ride and very informative. I will never remember all that man told us, but nice anyway. You will have to check out my web albums to see all the old homes and downtown. I did not know that U.S.Grant was from Galena.

We had to be at Eagle Ridge Resort and Spa by 6:45pm. Left the campground at 6 and headed out that way. After everyone arrived, they started to blow up the balloon. They did this with 3 large fans. It didn't take them long, as soon as it had all the air in it, they removed the fans and started the burner and blowing heat into the balloon. At this point the basket was laying on it's side, but as soon as the balloon got enough hot air, it turned the basket over and it was time to get in. I must admit, this was the part I was dreading the most. I am not too good at climbing into anything let alone a basket that is chest high. They had step stools to climb on, but getting my leg over the edge was a challenge. I gave Roger instructions, not to take my picture getting in. The flight was GREAT, and so glad we went. It was something I have been wanting to do for years. It was like floating and so peaceful. We ended up going just a little over 5 miles in 47 min. The balloon got up above some clouds and we were up to 6000 feet. We ended up landing in a cow pasture. The landing and getting out of the basket was my next worry and I must say, that was easier then the getting in. The basket landed on it's side and we were on our back, holding onto some ropes. I had to wait till the people on the other side of basket got out then the ones next to me and then I just rolled out and sat on edge and feet on ground. Afterward we walked to the awaiting van and they had champagne, Sprite, and chocolate for all of us with a toast for the safe ride. What a great birthday gift................thank-you Kim, Janis, Sandra and Roger. I LOVED IT and will have this memory for a very long time.

From Galena

From Galena

From Galena

From Galena

Be sure to click on any of the pictures to view all of the photo's in my Photo Albums.

That catches you up on our adventures, we will be in Iowa till we head to Madison for another FMCA rally in August, then our 25th wedding anniversary, and back to Texas.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

On the road again.

We left Mission on Easter Sunday and made it to Huston for our first night. Before leaving we had a leak under bathroom sink, which had to be fixed and then the left turn signal would not work on our tow Vue. Didn't get it fixed right away, but Roger did fix it later.

Our first night was in Huston at South Main RV Park, it was right off the bypass and one of those places you don't want to miss or it is a puzzle how you are going to make it back to the entrance. On Monday we drove on east along I-10 and being so busy and Roger not liking high traffic, I drove all day. It was a long day (I'm not use to driving all day) but we stopped at the welcome rest area as we entered Louisiana and after lunch I took a short 15 min. nap and was good for rest of trip. Stayed our second night in Independence, La. Along 1-55, the campground was Indian Creek Campground and with me driving that left Roger to read the directions and he missed reading one of the turns to the campground and I ended up going strait for 5 miles before I could find a place to turn around. The turn we needed was just past the interstate, we finally found it and and settled in for the night. We can now add Louisiana to our state map on side of motor home.

Leaving Tuesday morning, it was raining, but we soon drove out of it and the rest of the drive up I-55 was pretty good, I had marked where all the rest areas were and who would of known every one of them in Mississippi were closed. We ended up pulling into a truckers pull off to eat our lunch and change drivers. Tuesday night was spent in Coldwater, Mississippi (had to get another state sticker) at Memphis South RV Park. It was about 25 -30 miles south of Memphis. We spent the night watching the weather on TV as there were bad storm warnings and tornado warnings out. As soon as we heard the warning go off, we headed for the bath house. We were told to go to the mens showers as they were in the middle of building and the stalls we built completely enclosed and were the safe place to be. By the time we got there.............all the shower stalls were taken. I was thinking okay...........only so many people can be in there. Well they weren't full of people...............everyone had stuffed there dogs and cats in the stalls and all the people were standing in main part of bathroom with the main door right in front of us. At one point I said " If the tornado does come, at least all the dogs and cats will be alive even if we aren't." That didn't seem to make any difference to these people. I had even asked if any of these dog and cat people could get one of the chairs out of the shower stall so I would have a place to sit. That didn't happen either. One gal said her cats were sitting on it. We gave up after the worst of the storm had passed and decided to take our chances in the RV. The bath house was starting to smell of dogs and cats, and it was very warm in there..............no windows at all. After a stormy night.............we slept really good that night. It was still storm warnings the next morning and they were heading the same directions we would be headed, so decided to stay another day. These were the storms that killed so many across the south on Tuesday and Wednesday.

We headed for Nashville on Thursday and stayed at a Corp of Engineer park east of Nashville. Seven Points, and it was really a nice campground. I had reserved a site on line for Wednesday - Sunday and so glad I got one on the inside of the loop. The lake was up and flooded most of the sites on the outside part of the loop. It even flooded the road we drove in on so had to get directions on a different way in and out.

While in Nashville, we ended up on Friday, going to downtown Nashville and did a walking tour through downtown and to the Ryman Auditorium. This was really nice and learned alot, got to go back stage and see the dressing rooms as well. We do wish we would of had more time to look at things and read some of the stuff, but maybe another time. Just getting around in that town was a challenging as a lot of the streets were closed for construction of the new convention center. I was almost ready to say the heck with it and forget the whole thing. We didn't and after the walking tour, we took a trolley ride around with a tour guide. One could get off anywhere if they wanted but, we didn't. I did find the Bicentennial park. They had a wall that was a time line with pilers along the way with the dates. I think that wall must of went one for a couple of blocks.
From 04-April

On Saturday we went on the General Jackson lunch cruise with a great lunch and entertainment by the Shotgun Red band. So glad we did that one. I had taken the card out of the camera Friday night to upload all the pictures from that day and wouldn't you know, I forgot to put it back in camera so didn't get any pictures on the boat. Well we did, but they are on the camera hard drive and my cord wouldn't work to get them off. After getting off the boat, we had over 3 hours to kill before the Grand Ole Opry so decided to go back to RV and take a nap.

We went back to The Grand Ole Opry for the evening show. It wasn't really what we were expecting. They do commercials through the whole thing and Roger really hates commercials.

We are now in Indiana at a State Park and will be going to see our friends, Ida and Bob tomorrow. We haven't seen them since we were in Florida for the winter of 2006 - 2007. We use to pal around with them all the time, so this should be fun to see them again.

Till later..............Alicia

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Upgrades and Fish fry

I had to go back on read my last blog to know what I wrote about last time, guess that means it has been too long.

This Family Tree Maker is keeping me on the computer and busy. I haven't even done any crafts since we got back from California. I had put all the family info in the program in one tree and then decided to split it up with my family in one tree, Seaton (x-husbands) family in another and Shook (Roger's) in another tree. I find it so interesting to be finding old pictures, census records, draft cards, etc. from Ancestry.com. I also have been saving all the prof I find and loading it to tree and making copies to save and print up. Found some information on my x's (Mike Seaton) 4th great grandfather. He was taken prisoner in 1776 by the British and on Jan. 20th, 1777 he died on a British Prisoner ship in New York harbor. It is these kinds of things that makes history so exciting. Also found one of my greats (can't remember how many) helped with the underground railroad. Another one was in the civil war. I am still having problems tracing some of them to their mother countries. What with all the name changes and spellings, it gets confusing.

The middle of Jan we moved our motor home (RV) into storage as our friends Dick and Darlene were expecting company and they were using their RV spot for one cousin and needed our RV spot for another cousin. We had Ron and Sharon Faught from Mason City in our driveway for about 6 weeks. While here, Tom helped Roger put in a new sidewalk connecting the driveway with the shed in back. Sure glad Tom offered to help........thanks Tom.
We also had a fish fry on our deck in February and had 12 people here eating fish, fries, coleslaw, fruit salad, potato salad, popcorn, pies, cake...............lots and lots of food. Speaking of lots of food, we also had a Super Bowl party at our place.............we were the only ones with a big screen TV. We had so much food left over from that, had to give some of it away.

After Sharon and Tom left to head to Florida, we called the painter and got some paint to paint outside of our mobile home. It was a "John Deer" green and I just hated it. It is now a nice grey to match the grey trim we had on shed. It sure looks a lot nicer. Along with the improvements we have been making, we decided it was time to finish off the kitchen and get the new microwave/convention oven for over the range. It finally got here and we picked it up this past Thursday and Dick and Roger installed it yesterday. I JUST LOVE IT. Now the kitchen is finished and the only thing left is I plan on doing some painting next summer or fall when we get back down here. Roger is planning on tearing the Texas room (sun room) apart and taking down all the old brittle paneling and popcorn ceiling. Will then insulate and put up dry wall. It should be cooler in there, don't think it has any insulation right now.
That pretty well brings us up to date, I do want to add a touch of Spring, Roger brought 2 rose bushes home from Kim's in California and our friend MaryAnn gave him. See...............Spring is coming.

From Fish Fry

Forgot the other news.........................Roger is now learning the computer. He hasn't been getting on it each day, but he is trying and that means a lot to me. One step at a time. Won't be long and he will have his own email address on maybe even on face book. :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas in California and 2011

I don't know why I have such a hard time coming up with things to write about on this blog. Some of it is just that I don't get around to it.
I am in California for Christmas. You notice, I didn't say SUNNY California. That is because it has been raining for days and will continue to rain for more and more days. Can't wait to get back to SUNNY TEXAS. We drove out here last week and are staying with my daughter Kim and her son, Zeppelin. She got a new house last spring and has been fixing it up. It really looks nice and she is doing a great job. She has three bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, office, family room and kitchen. The kitchen was already redone so she didn't have to worry about that expense. The living room is still in the dry wall stage. She scraped off all the popcorn ceiling and painted everything. Also put in all new floors. She went after her Christmas tree yesterday and due to the rain, it had to sit in garage to dry off before bringing it inside. It isn't decorated yet, I was going to do it for her, but she told her son if he did it, she would redo it after he went to bed. Guess that means, she wants to do it her own way.
We have been using our GPS a lot out here. This is the most we have used it since we got it 5 years ago. Sure is nice to set it and let it do all the work. The traffic is terrible, sure glad we don't have to drive in it all the time.
I have two cousins that live around this area and plan on going to see them. Sally, from my mom's side of family lives in Lake Elsinore and Patti from my dad's side lives the next town to the south. I got a hold of Patti and plan on going to see her on Wednesday afternoon. Tried the phone number I had for Sally and it was disconnected. Don't know if I copied it down right. Anyway, thought I would stop by and see if she is home, if not, leave a note. I got to see Sally in 2002 when we came out here. Patti, I haven't seen since sometime in the 50's. Boy, that is a long time. Going to take the camera and get some pictures for sure. Patti has been working on family tree so we will have a lot to talk about.
We did make it to the Gene Autry Museum of Western Heritage over the weekend. We were going to go to a flea market, but due to all the rain, it was canceled, so the museum was close by and dry. It was nice, but not like we expected. Think we were expecting more on Gene Aurty.
Last night we went to a Christmas show, the All American Boy's Choir. They were very good and it did help to take ones mine off the rain and get you in the Christmas spirit. It was a long drive there and back, but using Kim as our chauffeur and she does a great job.

Okay, we are now back from our California trip. Came home between Christmas and New Years. It is good to get back home. We did get down to visit with my two cousins and so glad we did. Had a great visit with Patti and she told me things about my father's family and my father that I didn't know. Hope to stay in touch with her and learn more. Took Kim and Zeppelin with us to go see Sally and her hubby Winston. Had a nice visit, they do a lot of traveling so we had a lot to talk about. Fun listening to others adventures.

Had a very nice Christmas with Kim and Zeppelin. Got a Family Tree Maker program for my computer with a 3 month membership to Ancestry.com so I have been busy with that. I have found some interesting things and hope to find more. Patti was telling me about my dad's side of family and I didn't have any information on them. Didn't get any from Patti, but with Ancestry.com I traced them back to Jamestown, Va in 1650.

Now for a few pictures to share with you. Remember they are all on my "web albums" and you can click on link under picture or on picture itself to take you to the whole album. I don't post them all........too many of them.
From Christmas 2010
This is your place in Mission, yes we did get up a tree and decorated before we left.

From Christmas 2010
This is daughter, Kim's house in California

From Christmas 2010
Cousin Patti and myself with her grandson, Peter.
From Christmas 2010

My cousin Sally her hubby Winston with Roger and myself.

From Christmas 2010
Daughter, Kim and her son Zeppelin.

Hope every had a great Christmas and got a good start to 2011. We are making our plans for this next year and working around the place to get it the way we want. Busy with park activities and running around with our friends.
Roger got a book for Christmas called "Don't Whiz on a 'Lectric Fence" I am going to use one of the passages from that book for my closing. hehehehe

"Don't name a pig you plan to eat"