Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bought a place

Well, we did it..........went looking today and found a place down here in Mission. It is not at this park, but we are excited about it. It is a two bedroom (trailer) with front kitchen and a nice deck. The park rent is a little more there, but they have more activities. The couple who where selling are giving up and heading back to Ohio on the 20th so we can have it after that. Everything is included, dishes, furniture, sheets, towels, everything one needs. There is even a computer desk in living room for me. There is also a washer/dryer so no more trips to the laundromat. It is an older trailer, but well worth the price and looking forward to getting settled in at the end of the month. I will be sure to post pictures soon as I take some. The name of the park is Bentsen Grove Resort.

I signed up for Thanksgiving diner here, but Roger said to cancel them and we will sign up for that park, good way to meet our new neighbors. Think we will like it there, but going to miss some of the great people we met here. And the good news is we will have room for company now if anyone should want to come see us.

I will keep you posted...............till then.......................Happy Trails

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