Monday, March 2, 2009

Line Dancing

As many of you know, when I was in Jr. High and High School, I spent every Saturday (all day) teaching dancing......It was what I loved to do. Before Roger and I got married, we were Square Dancing and Round I have taken up Line Dancing. The park here, has line dancing three days a week and we dance from 2 to 3 hours at a time. I must first time there......I lasted an hour and 45 min. then I had to leave. I was red faced and dripping wet. I took this up for the exercise......but it is more then that now. I have met some great people and had so much fun.

The group goes to nursing homes and adult day care centers to preform. I have not gone with them........I just can't take the heat. They have the heat turned up at those places and I have a hard time with over heating during class......when I am dancing in air conditioning and under a fan. They did get to preform at our weekly park meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 25th and I went with them. Most of the pictures you will have a hard time finding me.........I am in back row.......but you can get the idea. It was great fun and I have learned so many different dances. The yellow shirts we have say....."I know this how does it start" How true that is. I don't know if it is a senior thing or what......but when the music starts or a dance is named, it is hard to remember which dance that is. I wish I had a video to share with you.........but these photos will have to do for now.

Remember to click on the photo to take you to the Web Album.

From Bentsen Grove Line Dancers

From Bentsen Grove Line Dancers

We are expecting a visit from Roger's brother (Larry) and sister-in-law (Sharon) sometime this week. It is going to be great to show them around and give them a taste of what life is like here in RGV (Rio Grande Valley)
I am hoping to get more photos now that I will have new subjects. Not sure when I will be back to post.........depends on how busy we stay.

Life is great and spring is coming......everyone stay safe and .........Happy Trails

1 comment:

Peace On The Road said...

I enjoyed reading that. You got some pictures that I was not able to get. It is a pain having sick people ion the family. Especially when you yourself are just getting back to almost normal.