Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sold our home

We have an offer on our place and there has been earnest money put down on it. We took the papers to the lawyer to look over and get things going. Now it is a wait game. The lady who is buying it is going thru a divorce and wants this place to move into. She is living with her mother right now. We are not sure if it will close before we leave for the Rio Grande Valley, but we are packing up everything and getting ready anyway. We will be moving it all into storage for now and after we find a different place in Texas, we will come back and get it.Image035

Here is a picture of our place. This was taken from the street.

The time just seems to fly buy. I have everything almost packed up here and only kitchen left to do. Don’t want to pack it too soon as still stuff we are using every day. As it is, it seems like there is always something we are looking for and it is packed. Been loading RV at same time, so most of what we need is there.

I got Roger a new camera the end of July. We had taken some pictures with in at the Jefferson football game last Friday night. Our grand daughter, Emily is co-captain of the color guard and they preformed. When trying to upload them to my laptop, I couldn’t get the cord to attach to camera right, now the camera won’t work at all. What a bummer. I hope I didn’t mess up something trying to get the cord attached.

Not much more happening is dullsville (Stanwood). I must say, we will not miss this town. Have never made any friends here, we will miss our home and Roger is going to miss his garage, but those can be replaced. I am really looking forward to doing more traveling next summer. Not sure where we will be going, but even if we make a few RV rallies, it will be a start. At least we will not be tired to this place, mowing lawn and working in garden.

I will keep you posted when the sale is finale, hope it is soon. Roger has an eye appointment the 19th of Oct, and we are planning on leaving after that.


Dale said...

Nice place, Alicia. You won't miss mowing the yard. . . trust me. Hoping all goes well with the sale.


Peace On The Road said...

Good for your sale or potential sale. It is great to have a garage and tool sheds but I can understand not missing the lawn work