Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We were in Canton at the "First Monday Trade Days" for 2 days. I went the first day and we walked and walked and walked, bought some things and after 5 hours, I had had enough so we went back to RV. Roger went again on Friday with Dick and Darlene and about noon, Darlene's cousin was parking his RV next to ours, so I tried calling them to let them know. Wouldn't you know, all I could get was voice mail. I tried Dick's phone, Darlene's phone and Roger's phone. I couldn't get anyone. About 1:30PM, Darlene called me wanting to know if I had heard from Roger or if I could get him on phone. Told her I had been trying and no luck. She said, they couldn't find him and if I got him to tell him to go to car. I kept trying all afternoon, couldn't get any of them. Finally at 4:30, Darlene called me to let me know they found Roger and were on their way home. What a day!!!!! Roger came home with some more stuff he found there. Seems he was sitting on bench at gate and Dick and Darlene were at next gate down (1 block away) waiting for him. Dick finally rented a scooter for an hour and found Roger.

Friday night we all got together and Gary (Darlene's cousin) was telling us about his trip to Iowa a few weeks earlier when his mother died. They had gone by way of I-35 and told us about all the construction. I woke Saturday morning thinking about the construction and checked the map for a different route. I had already spent time going over I-35 route, so now I had to start all over. We decided to try something different to bypass the construction. It was a good route and I think we will do it again. Bypassed all the BIG towns and it saved us close to 100 miles. Just goes to prove you don't always have to go with the interstate.

Got into Des Moines on Sunday afternoon and wouldn't you know, rain storm with some hail. We headed out to Sailorville Lake and got a spot across the road from Roger's brother and spent the rest of day visiting and evening visiting with them. Hadn't seen them since our side trip to Corpus Cristy in March. Good to visit and catch up on everything.

Left Monday morning for Iowa City and our next camp ground at West Overlook, at Coraville Lake. We are parked along the lake shore, but haven't gotten to spend much time in RV. After getting here, we spent close to 3 hours trying to get satellite hooked up and running. Have it hooked up, but still not working. Guess I will have to call again to find out what I am doing wrong. I told Roger, I can't keep calling every time we move the RV. Maybe I should take a crash coarse on satellite hook up. We have been running every day, going to Stanwood and our storage unit. Have now gone through everything and moved the stuff we want to get rid of, down to son Matt's place to sell this Saturday. The town of Stanwood is having city wide garage sales. That is one of the reasons we came back early. Will be going there tomorrow to set up and make everything. What a job, we are getting just toooooooo old for all this moving. We still have to move the things we will be moving to Mission, over to Matt's garage to wait till we leave here. Then move it again into a truck, drive to Mission then out of truck. That's a whole lot of moving. I am tired just typing about it. LOL.

That pretty well sums up this past week. We did get some bad news today. Seems Roger's good friend Ron Keeney passed away on April 30th and the service was Monday. Roger's a little upset that he didn't make it to service. He and Ron worked together for many years. We did get to attend Ron and Nancy's open house last summer and had a very nice chat with them.

That is my update. The weather here is getting colder so we have the electric heater going at night. Going to get down in the 30's, and we thought we were coming back late enough that we wouldn't have to worry about that. I only brought one sweatshirt, so hope this cold snap doesn't last too long.

Happy Trails