As many of you know, I have started making afghans for the grand kids when they graduate, so while in Iowa I asked Emily what color she wanted. I had intended on making her one with same pattern I had made the rest. That was doing it with co-hooking..........a new technique I had learned a few years ago while here in Texas. Emily decided she wanted a Zebra afghan, not having a pattern for this, I went on the Internet and found a site what had pictures of one, I copied that picture then printed it on graph paper. To make it large enough for afghan size, I had to print 4 sheets and reverse two of them to match up the stripes. After doing this, I decided I couldn't see the graph squares where the black part was, so now I outlined all of the design on one sheet and then very carefully square by square drew it out on another piece of graph paper. Now I have the pattern on something I can read. I highlighted the part that was to be black and proceeded to count all the squares so I would know how many stitches of each color. Graphs are hard to read when working on them, so my next step was to write out the directions, one row at a time. The Internet site said I could carry my yarn across my work, I tried this for a couple rows and didn't like the looks of it. I was seeing white thread, behind the black stitches and black yarn behind the white. I ripped that all out and started over, this time I rolled the yarn in balls and I am now changing colors every time the pattern calls for it. Needless to say, at this point (I am about 1/4 of the way done) I am carrying 29 balls of yarn for each row. It is a challenge and as many of you know, I am up to a challenge. Besides, what do I have besides time. I have worked out a system, with two baskets to put the balls in. I put the ones I will be crocheting with in basket between my legs while sitting in recliner, I crochet across and as I finish with a color, that ball goes into a basket off to my right. When I finish the row, I switch the baskets around, putting the full one on chair in front of me and empty one to my right. Now I have to flip my work (afghan) over with out tangling the yarn. Here are a few pictures.
Roger has been busy too. We had talked about getting a carport for some time. He ordered one and it came the other night and was put up in about 45 minutes. It is 12 x 21 and sites on our driveway off alley. Now the car will sit under it and be much cooler when we need to use it. Things get pretty hot down here. He also paid extra to get the height he wanted. Standard was 5 foot on sides and he got 7 foot. That makes the peek 9 foot.
The next night we had two more workers here, Roger decided we needed some sun screens installed on windows in Texas room (sun porch) so ordered them and the 2 guys came to install them. He got a special deal to do the whole mobile home, so we now have new sun screens on mobile home. Check out the before and after pictures.
So what do you think ? We can see out, but you can't see in from the outside. Now we will see if it improves our electric bill. It is suppose to.
Our good friends that we met from that come down here in winter, just called me tonight and told me they bought a place in our park. I am so excited, we sure will enjoy having them so close and hanging out with them. Way to go Mary Ann and Larry, congratulations on your new place.
Roger and I will be celebrating our anniversary on Monday and since the park is going to Peter Piper Pizza, guess that is what we are going to do. I don't really consider that a anniversary dinner, but at least we will be with others. Till later, stay cool.
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