Sunday, May 1, 2011

On the road again.

We left Mission on Easter Sunday and made it to Huston for our first night. Before leaving we had a leak under bathroom sink, which had to be fixed and then the left turn signal would not work on our tow Vue. Didn't get it fixed right away, but Roger did fix it later.

Our first night was in Huston at South Main RV Park, it was right off the bypass and one of those places you don't want to miss or it is a puzzle how you are going to make it back to the entrance. On Monday we drove on east along I-10 and being so busy and Roger not liking high traffic, I drove all day. It was a long day (I'm not use to driving all day) but we stopped at the welcome rest area as we entered Louisiana and after lunch I took a short 15 min. nap and was good for rest of trip. Stayed our second night in Independence, La. Along 1-55, the campground was Indian Creek Campground and with me driving that left Roger to read the directions and he missed reading one of the turns to the campground and I ended up going strait for 5 miles before I could find a place to turn around. The turn we needed was just past the interstate, we finally found it and and settled in for the night. We can now add Louisiana to our state map on side of motor home.

Leaving Tuesday morning, it was raining, but we soon drove out of it and the rest of the drive up I-55 was pretty good, I had marked where all the rest areas were and who would of known every one of them in Mississippi were closed. We ended up pulling into a truckers pull off to eat our lunch and change drivers. Tuesday night was spent in Coldwater, Mississippi (had to get another state sticker) at Memphis South RV Park. It was about 25 -30 miles south of Memphis. We spent the night watching the weather on TV as there were bad storm warnings and tornado warnings out. As soon as we heard the warning go off, we headed for the bath house. We were told to go to the mens showers as they were in the middle of building and the stalls we built completely enclosed and were the safe place to be. By the time we got there.............all the shower stalls were taken. I was thinking okay...........only so many people can be in there. Well they weren't full of people...............everyone had stuffed there dogs and cats in the stalls and all the people were standing in main part of bathroom with the main door right in front of us. At one point I said " If the tornado does come, at least all the dogs and cats will be alive even if we aren't." That didn't seem to make any difference to these people. I had even asked if any of these dog and cat people could get one of the chairs out of the shower stall so I would have a place to sit. That didn't happen either. One gal said her cats were sitting on it. We gave up after the worst of the storm had passed and decided to take our chances in the RV. The bath house was starting to smell of dogs and cats, and it was very warm in windows at all. After a stormy night.............we slept really good that night. It was still storm warnings the next morning and they were heading the same directions we would be headed, so decided to stay another day. These were the storms that killed so many across the south on Tuesday and Wednesday.

We headed for Nashville on Thursday and stayed at a Corp of Engineer park east of Nashville. Seven Points, and it was really a nice campground. I had reserved a site on line for Wednesday - Sunday and so glad I got one on the inside of the loop. The lake was up and flooded most of the sites on the outside part of the loop. It even flooded the road we drove in on so had to get directions on a different way in and out.

While in Nashville, we ended up on Friday, going to downtown Nashville and did a walking tour through downtown and to the Ryman Auditorium. This was really nice and learned alot, got to go back stage and see the dressing rooms as well. We do wish we would of had more time to look at things and read some of the stuff, but maybe another time. Just getting around in that town was a challenging as a lot of the streets were closed for construction of the new convention center. I was almost ready to say the heck with it and forget the whole thing. We didn't and after the walking tour, we took a trolley ride around with a tour guide. One could get off anywhere if they wanted but, we didn't. I did find the Bicentennial park. They had a wall that was a time line with pilers along the way with the dates. I think that wall must of went one for a couple of blocks.
From 04-April

On Saturday we went on the General Jackson lunch cruise with a great lunch and entertainment by the Shotgun Red band. So glad we did that one. I had taken the card out of the camera Friday night to upload all the pictures from that day and wouldn't you know, I forgot to put it back in camera so didn't get any pictures on the boat. Well we did, but they are on the camera hard drive and my cord wouldn't work to get them off. After getting off the boat, we had over 3 hours to kill before the Grand Ole Opry so decided to go back to RV and take a nap.

We went back to The Grand Ole Opry for the evening show. It wasn't really what we were expecting. They do commercials through the whole thing and Roger really hates commercials.

We are now in Indiana at a State Park and will be going to see our friends, Ida and Bob tomorrow. We haven't seen them since we were in Florida for the winter of 2006 - 2007. We use to pal around with them all the time, so this should be fun to see them again.

Till later..............Alicia