Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary

It is hard to believe, Roger and I have now been married for 22 years. Gosh, how the time flies, it sure doesn't feel like that long. Got phone calls from all three of my daughters and Roger's daughter told him a "Happy" but nothing from Matt and Heather. Right now we are at daughter Sandra's house for an Anniversary dinner. Good to get away from home for the day, and visit with them.

I don't have much other news, the toe is healing and I am back to walking every morning. I am now doing a longer walk. I also got all my sun cathers done and packed for going to Texas. Sure have a lot of them made up, hope I can get some of them sold. Now I am going to start working on getting my list going of things to do and things to pack. Time just seems to slip up on one, even tho you are retired and have all the time, it still slips by.

Till later...............Happy Trails

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