Friday, August 8, 2008

Ouch, In grown toe nail

I have had an ingrown toe nail for over a year, decided to get something done about it. Went to foot Dr. on Wednesday. He took care of it, so now I am doctoring a sore toe. Haven't gotten back to my morning walks yet, seems every time I put on a shoe, the toe starts to bleed again. Thought I would give it a few days to heal before doing the walking again. I would post a photo of toe, but don't really think you want to see it.

Not much of anything else happening around here. Roger is still waiting for his corners to come into Menards so he can get back to working on the siding. I have been taking it easy (because of toe) so have been working on computer and stringing beads to make my beaded sun catchers. I do attact some of the house work, but other then that it is slow around here. Till later................

Drive safe, save gas and Happy Trails

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