Gosh, where does the time go...........seems like it was just Thanksgiving and we had just moved into our new place. Here it is a 6 days till Christmas. We are both keeping busy, me more then Roger. The weather here is up and down or hot and cold........which ever way you want to look at it. When it does get cool, we just keep reminding ourselves it is nicer then it is in Iowa.
I have been going to computer club here at the park on Mondays. The first part of class is directed towards beginners..............I find myself helping some of those new people who need the help. I have learned a few things in that class, but the advance class has helped
alot and I am getting quite a bit out of it. They are having problems getting everyone on line during class. I guess the server here at the park is
bogged down (too many people using it). There are about 16 laptops trying to get on during class. I have been taking my Verizon
USB and connecting with it. It is slow.............not a very good signal around this park. I had a great signal at Sleepy Valley and it isn't that far away.................not sure what the problem is. I hang it in the window to get a better signal as I have a 10 foot
USB extension for it.
As I wrote about before, I have been going to the park Auxiliary on Monday afternoons. They make quilts for the needy and are under a huge project of helping 11 needy families. It includes quilts, heater for each family..........they go shopping for each of the kids in each family and buy them each, PJ's, undies, socks, shoes, one toy, and a complete outfit. They also furnish them with a donated coat, hat and gloves. I went to hall on Wednesday and
wrapped all the bought items for the 4 kids in my family and got it all sacked along with Christmas stockings for all of them. On Sunday I go with everyone else to pick up a large box of food for family. Then Monday morning we will car caravan to their homes and deliver everything. I am planning on taking my camera so maybe I can get some pictures posted.
One of our neighbors complained about
Keota last week, so we have been working on his no barking. We got out the no bark collar. Had it on him for about 5 days strait and he seems to get the idea. Haven't had it on him for 2 days and he still is not barking. I do keep it close buy in case I need to remind him. The sad part was the neighbor told Roger " it was a good neighborhood before we moved in." I thought that was quite mean...............but maybe he was just having a bad day. I just felt he could of been a little nicer on how he told us. We have been careful on leaving
Keota home alone. Don't want him barking and after taking him to vet and talking about the problem, it was brought up if we did leave him and he had on no bark collar..........and someone came to door..............he could have a heart attack.............do to his heart condition. Guess we will just have to keep the training up and hope for the best.
I ventured out yesterday and did my Christmas shopping for Roger and
Keota. Boy was I tired when I got back. Today Roger went shopping and I wrapped all his gifts. The tree now has some gifts under it. Guess Roger is going to work on wrapping on Monday while I am gone. He sure misses my daughter, Sandy as she always did the wrapping for him.
We are still walking in the mornings and biking in afternoon.
Keota wouldn't let us forget the bike ride...............he loves it. Roger and I also like to go to the pool, but once again, hard to get way both of us at once.........and it is not always fun to go by yourself.
Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays............try to stay warm.............drive safe and Happy Trails.