Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another day closer to our move.

We have been a little busy the last few days. Met up with Dick and Darlene and took them to Gonzella Burger. They have been coming down here for 7 years and have never been there. They liked it an plan on returning. We got to see their place they just bought. It is nice, 2 bedrooms, 1 and 1/2 bath, Texas room, and two sheds. Dick is working on a place to put washer and dryer in trailer. Right now it is in one of the sheds. The place has some wild wall paper and so needles to say, they have some painting to do. They have furniture in storage in Colorado so plan on making a trip there to pick it up. It just makes me anxious to get into our place.

Today we went to one park for yard sales, not much there. I did buy a few books and Roger got 2 movies. After that went onto Bentsen Grove to a craft sale. That is the park we are moving to. Got to look around and stayed and had lunch. The people we are buying from sat with us for lunch so had a nice visit with them. They introduced us to some of the people at the park. Seems like they have a few activities that will be a nice addition for us. They have a computer club, which I plan on going to and they told us about a bike club. I am hoping Roger might try that out. Seems they take outside bike rides, have even gone into Mexico on one. They put all the bikes in a trailer and transport them to site of bike ride. I know I can't do it with my 3 wheeler bike, but Roger could do it. The guy we are buying from volenteers in the kitchen and it sounds like Roger might do that. I am really happy about that, I think it will help him to get involved with more going on in park. This park also has an outside and inside pool plus an exercise room. We are hoping to visit them and start getting a little more exercise.

Till later.................Happy Trails

1 comment:

Leona Beltz said...

I don't keep up with my e-mail like I could, but I didn't think I could miss word from you, Alicia, about this site. Hey- you go girl - blogging and web-sites and programming remote controls!! What CAN'T you do. Anyway, I read through all your 'blogs' - I guess that's what each individual one is called. See, I don't even have the terminology down :-( ----but it seems to me that you got a good thing goin' on. It's really nice to hear about your adventures and to see some pics, too. I haven't been to see the Picassos yet - oh, ya, that's not quite right - but I will. My system's running rrreeeaaallll slow these days, cuz my hard drive is almost full. Could use some RAM too, but no more room for that. Guess we're talking a new CPU. Ooops, not in the budget right now. Anyway, I have to offload a bunch of pics, cuz that's what's eating up the hard drive.

So, now what happens? Now that I'm a 'follower', do I get notified everytime you make an update? 'Follower' - makes me sound like I'm a groupie or something. LOL Do I get an alert like I do when my cel gets a text message? Can I assign you a special ringtone, so I know it's you? It won't yank me away from my Freecell game just to read your latest, will it? But whatever you do, don't let me know that you burned the fish!!

You guys sound like your having fun and that you're happy with your new life style. God bless you!! I think of you often - like every time I send out mass mailings of jokes - and have been wondering about where on earth - well, the US - you are. Now I'll be able to get a blow by blow of what you're up to. Roger, keep an on her. Don't let her get tooo crazy.

You guys have fun, stay safe and ........Happy Trails to you
