Thursday, October 1, 2009

House Closing on Monday the 5th

Just wanted everyone to know, we got word this afternoon that we will be closing on our house on Monday. We were hoping for a week of two to get everything moved, but lawyer said we should be moved out by Monday, so she can get keys, etc. It is a good thing, we have almost everything packed and waiting in garage to be moved. Roger went down and got a storage unit today, so will start with some of it tomorrow. Making my list of things to get done and which day to do them. It is raining here, so that may put a damper on things for tomorrow. Geeee........we are getting tooooooooooo old for all this moving stuff.

I think I told everyone about the sending the new camera in to get fixed. I did get the card back and now have those pictures in "My Web Albums" There a some of our place here and most of them are of our grand-daughter, Emily and the high school band. She is in color guard and does a great job. If you want to view all of them, just click on photo and it will take you to the web album.

From 2009-09-30

From 2009-09-30

Not sure when I will get back here to write again, I am going to be busy for a few days. We will be taking RV into Cedar Rapids and camping at Morgan Creek at least till the 15th, that is when the park closes for the season. Roger has two doctor appointments the 19th and 20th, so can't leave till after that. We are hoping Morgan Creek will remain open for a few more days, if not, I think we will be headed to Hawkeye Downs Fairgounds. If you are in the area, stop by and see us.

Till later.................Happy Trails


Dale said...

Wow, when things start moving. . . they move fast! Wish I was there to help you . . . NOT! Hah. You are right. . . we are TOO OLD for this moving stuff. We actually took another truck load of stuff from our storage condo to Good Will this summer. Every year we take more and more. Funny how once you haven't seen the stuff for a year or two, it becomes less and less important.

Good luck and be careful lifting stuff.


Dale said...

Beautiful granddaughter. Love your pix. Really nice setup on your home. Probably a little bittersweet leaving it. But the road beckens. . .
